Help My Students
One of three dozen cognitive skills students are expected to master by the time they graduate our high school is called “Multimedia in…
One of three dozen cognitive skills students are expected to master by the time they graduate our high school is called “Multimedia in Written Production.” They are expected to:
Use[] technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products. Use[] carefully selected technology/media tools creatively to illustrate ideas or show relationships among information/ideas by taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
For a project requiring a series of blog posts, I encouraged my tenth-grade students to explore the options available to them. We’ve been using Google Docs for years, so it’s time to develop skills beyond that.
Some students are most comfortable keeping their writing within our community, using Slack, which we use for intra-class collaboration. Others are using, which I suggested they explore.
Given the current state of blogging, media, and communications technology in general, what other tools and platforms should students explore that will set them up to thrive in this constantly evolving environment?
Cross-posted from LinkedIn:
Help My Students
One of three dozen cognitive skills students are expected to master by the time they graduate our high school is called…